Accademia d’archi G.G. Arrigoni
We accept with great pleasure the invitation to participate in the celebrations for the centenary of the birth of Piero Farulli, excellent musician who for over thirty years has done honor to Italy’s name in the world with the Quartetto Italiano and who simultaneously found the strength to create Fiesole School of Music which has profoundly changed the country’s musical and cultural landscape. We thus wish to dedicate the 2020 edition (from July 1-5, 2020) of the Competition Il Piccolo Violino Magico (The Magic Little Violin) to Piero Farulli. Nothing was more in Piero’s heart than the very young musicians. We are therefore certain that he would have appreciated this union. The competition will take place, as always, in San Vito al Tagliamento. Pavel Vernikov, Domenico Mason