Project “Farulli 100”
What is "Farulli 100"

The year 2020 will be one hundred years from Piero Farulli’s birth in 1920, prompting the non-profit Piero Farulli Association to make the decision to spearhead a special project to honor the powerful social message Farulli put forth throughout his life.
To this end, the Association created an Organizing Committee to unite internationally prominent agencies, institutions, and associations that have been beneficiaries of Maestro Farulli’s generous involvement.
Starting in January of 2020, there will be a year-long series of initiatives dedicated to Piero Farulli, taking place in Italy and in other countries, but in venues with a special significance, as well.
Project “Farulli 100” will involve institutions of many kinds, connected, not only with music world, but also with science and education. What unites them is Piero Farulli’s message and the determination to uphold the cultural worth of music.
Each event stems from the desire on the part of the participants in the initiatives and its promoters to publicly bear witness to the affection and gratitude they feel towards Maestro Farulli, but also from the resolve to show to what extent his human and artistic teachings heralded the future.
“Farulli 100” will involve the cooperation of:
- Agencies, Institutions, and Associations on whom Piero Farulli’s priceless contribution has left its mark and who are joining together to make up the “Farulli 100” Organizing Committee;
- Friends, colleagues, ex-students, and young students of Piero Farulli’s students who in different ways benefitted from his extraordinary artistic lessons and life lessons.
- During this year, the aim of the project will not only be to remember a musician who was able to make music at the highest artistic levels of excellence but above all to underscore his social message: music as an ethical value, brought to bear in its full cultural and educational range.
- Thanks to the chamber music and symphonic concerts, recitals, festivals, masterclasses, recordings, competitions, conferences, gatherings, and scholarships, Farulli 100 will be a veritable “musical journey,” where each event will focus on Piero Farulli and the fundamental importance of being able to offer the culture of great music to everyone, on an active, practical level, and not only as a dry series of notions.
The music itself, “a gift to be shared” will, in fact, be shared by all those who wish to take part in this great and engaging project.